Wednesday, September 5

Strange Chemistry in B&N!

Okay, I have been trying to tweet these pictures all morning, but since Twitter is apparently playing 'crabby pageant mom' today, I'll just do it this way...

So, without further ado, the first two titles to launch from Strange Chemistry(my YA publisher), currently available in book stores everywhere! (unless you are in the UK, in which case, available tomorrow in book stores everywhere)

First BLACKWOOD by Gwenda Bond
This is how I found it...

And this is how I left it...  ;D

And SHIFT by Kim Curran...

And the cover, though not how I left it.
Shift was originally mis-shelved, so I will let them fix it,
then go back tonight and turn it out. Muhahaha...  ;D


  1. Awesome! Just think, that'll be you in a few months ;o)

  2. Those covers are so cool! Can't wait to see yours! :-D

  3. You're such a good little book strategist. :) Congratulations to both authors - the covers are fantastic!

    1. Haha! Thanks! You shoudl have seen me doing it, it was a hot mess! I probably looked so shady trying to make sure the employees didn't see what I was doing, I'm surprised that I didn't have my purse checked when I was leaving! :)

  4. Very exciting, Marian! When does your YA come out?

    1. It's out March 5th here in the states. Yay! So excited! =D
